This was one of the best days for paragliding at Westbury that we have ever seen. The Cloudbase Paragliding team took full advantage, from standing on the hill at 10am in zero wind watching hot air balloons drifting over Bath through to the very end of the flying day at 5pm. In between 3 lucky passengers/pilots-to-be shared the sky with dozens of paragliders and several hang gliders. Dad John and daughter Zena thoroughly enjoyed seeing the White Horse from the air. Later in the day Alex took full advantage of the conditions by taking the controls during his two taster day flights and enjoying climbing with the birds in strong thermals up to over 1000 feet above take-off! Thanks to Nik for his invaluable contribution acting as launch assistant.

74-year-old former Royal Marine, John, about to take to the sky to play with those perfect clouds!

John and Chris (arrowed) high up and loving every minute in a busy sky.
Waving to the crowds on a White Horse fly-by.

Big smiles all round from John and his daughter Zena as they pose in front of take-off with their Cloudbase Paragliding tandem pilot, Chris, after their flights.